Alternative Wedding Options – Things you DON’T have to do

There is often a strange amount of pressure around wedding planning. Whether it’s from family, society, or Instagram adverts, we get bombarded with ideas and expectations that are not our own. Even in the alternative wedding world, some trends and conventions might not be right for every couple. 

Instead of telling you what you need at your wedding, I’m here to tell you what you might not need! I’ll be explaining some alternatives to conventional wedding traditions. Spoiler alert: Just do whatever the hell you want!

Alternative Wedding Ceremonies

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to have a traditional wedding ceremony. Let me give you the basics about the wonderful world of celebrants. A celebrant cannot legally marry you (yet) but they can create a bespoke ceremony with your own beliefs/rituals and perform it anywhere. Legal ceremonies can be restrictive location-wise, plus there’s all that paperwork to sign! Many couples are now choosing to sort the legal stuff out at a different date, and then make their commitments in a celebrant ceremony. There is no limit on what these alternative wedding ceremonies can include. Exciting, right?  

First Dance

Don’t like being the centre of attention? Don’t have a first dance! If you’re looking for a more low-key way to mark this tradition, maybe you could sneak your song into the wedding playlist and have a secret moment together, surrounded by loved ones on the dance floor. Think of it as an undercover first dance – Nobody has to know! 

Alternative Wedding Catering

Wedding food vans are all the rage now, so I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’re hearing about alternative wedding catering options. Fun substitutes to a sit-down meal include a pizza van, a BBQ, a fuddle, a hog roast, or buffet. As harsh as it sounds, you don’t owe your guests anything. They are there to celebrate with you and you don’t have to meet any of their ideas about what a wedding should be. You will never please everyone! Perhaps you could be clear about your catering on your invitations so that people can come prepared if it’s not their cup of tea. You do you, boo! 

Alternative Wedding Photos

Rigid, posed wedding photos – Who needs ‘em? Your wedding photos don’t have to look like your Grandma’s unless that’s your vibe. I’m going to take the liberty to use myself as an example here. I offer fun, colourful and alternative wedding photography. The whole idea is that it’s relaxed and natural so I can capture all those gorgeous candid moments. There’ll be no awkward poses on my watch! I’d recommend finding a photographer that ‘gets you’ so you feel as comfortable as possible. 

Sound groovy? Check out my blog post all about Choosing Your Wedding Photographer.

Wedding Speeches

Can you guess what I’m about to say? If you don’t want speeches, don’t have them! Maybe there’s a more ‘you’ way to capture a similar sentiment. I once went to a wedding with an area dedicated to filming well-wishing videos for the newlyweds – similar to a guest book. If you have a family member who particularly wants to make a speech, maybe they could write a letter instead. This is all about you doing what feels right! 

Alternative Wedding Invitations

I’m a sucker for some good wedding stationery, but there are alternative ways to communicate with your guests. Some couples choose to create a wedding website to have all their information in one place. A free option is to create a private Facebook group. If you’re being extra fancy, you can create online RSVPs, song request forms, wishlists, and more! The internet is a wonderful thing. 

Other Things To Think About

I’m going to smush these ones together because I think you’ve caught my drift by now. Wedding wear? More like wear what you want! Wedding cake? Do your own thing, build one from cheese, or scrap it completely – it’s your day! Wedding favours – same applies! 

There are all sorts of alternative wedding suppliers making awesome, unique things. From alternative bouquets (made from felt, buttons or crystals!) to people that will dress up as Chewbacca at your wedding (yes, really!), there really is something for everyone. Whether you choose to have any of these things or not is up to you! 

Fancy a virtual cuppa and a wedding chin wag? Get in touch! Alternatively, join me over on Instagram where I share all the coolest wedding inspo.  

Sending all the love and sparkles,

Kirsty x

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