What The Hell To Do When You Get Engaged?!

Alriggghttt folks it’s engagement season! If you’re newly engaged, hellooo and welcome to my sparkly little corner of the internet! I’m Kirsty, I’m a fun, colourful wedding photographer, and I’m here to guide you through the classic ‘wedding overwhelm’! If you recently ‘put a ring on it’ or had said ring placed on your finger, let me begin with a big fat congratulations! I have a few little nuggets of wisdom that I’d love to share with you about ‘what on earth to do’ once you’re engaged! 

Happy Dance! You’re Engaged!

Yippee! You’re engaged! Take a second to celebrate! Everyone celebrates in different ways, so mark the occasion in a way that feels right to the two of you. You don’t have to announce anything straight away or start planning straight away. Do a little happy dance in the name of true love! 

You Do You, Boo.

We live in a really cool world where we have lots of options. Just in case you need to hear this – You can do whatever the hell you want for your wedding. There are no rules! If tradition means a lot to you then do your thang. If you prefer to do things your way, that’s awesome too!  You could elope with a celebrant, you could skip the big wedding meal, you could get married whilst jumping out of a plane for all I care, as long as it makes you happy!  

There WILL Be Pressure – Engaged People Problems

Alright, I mean this in the LEAST negative way possible. You’re about to start seeing ‘wedding stuff’ everywhere you look. Social media and website cookies are clever things, so brace yourself for targeted ads trying to sell you a Pinterest perfect wedding. Your friends and family, who must be very excited, may have lots of well-meaning questions, ideas and maybe even expectations. Don’t get swept away in these! It can be overwhelming with so many options and sometimes lots of opinions to juggle. Stick to your guns – there are NO rules, remember! 

Thought About An Engagement Shoot?

I’m a wedding photographer, so of course I was bound to bring this up. Engagement shoots are badass ways to celebrate! You could even use the photos on your invitations or announcements. If you’re ready to choose your photographer, it’s also a great way to get to know them! 

BEWARE of Pinterest Rabbit Holes

The internet is full of SO much wedding inspiration. This is a great thing! It can also be an incredibly overwhelming thing. Now that you’re engaged, try not to get too caught up in scrolling through inspo – you might find that it’s full of unrealistic ‘goals’ and hella expensive standards! 

Ask For Help

After your engagement, make sure to delegate tasks when you start to plan your wedding. Life is already hella busy. People will want to help… let them! 

Get Organised!

Wedding planners are awesome. If you have one, they can do ‘the boring bits’ for you. If you’re DIYing it, get yo’self organised! Depending on the kind of day you want, there’s a big chance there’ll be lots of elements to coordinate. Moodboards and lists are your new best friend! (I’m also a sucker for stationery, so maybe get yourself some new highlighters to help?) 

Find Your Wedding Dream Team

When it comes to finding wedding suppliers, I’m a big advocate for finding people that ‘get you’. Do your research, ask lots of questions, and follow your gut. Your suppliers really contribute to the vibe of your day so make sure you get on with them! Wedding fairs and directories are great places to start.

One More Happy Dance?

You don’t need me to tell you how to plan your wedding, or what to do when you’re engaged. I simply want to spread a little reassuring encouragement! It’s such an exciting time, sometimes surrounded by unnecessary pressure. Just enjoy the ride, honey! Wishing you the bestest of luck, and if you ever need an awesome wedding photographer, you know where I am. Big Love! X

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